On International Podcast Day, we are taking a look back on Series 1 of our podcast Defence Talks: Securing UK Advantage, produced in collaboration with the Council on Geostrategy and supported by BAE Systems.

The podcast brings industry together to explore issues affecting the defence sector in depth with expert guests. With 15 different episodes, the first series explores some of the biggest challenges and opportunities for the UK defence sector in an increasingly contested international security environment.

Here are just some of of the valuable, informative episodes from the series that you can listen to:

In the Series’ second episode we examined the challenges and opportunities brought about by the defence community’s drive to become more representative and inclusive. Beyond the process of becoming more diverse, this included a discussion about the economic benefits and strategic advantage a more diverse workforce can bring to businesses and our defence.
Joined by Angela Owen OBE, Founder of Women in Defence UK, and Richard Blackmore, Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at BAE Systems, we demystified some terms and language, explored the benefits of reaching a critical mass, and shed light on the path forward to a stronger and more representative defence community.
The eighth episode of the series discussed the growing importance of space in the context of defence and considered the strategic role of the UK in the space domain. As considerations of space enter conversations about defence more and more, the defence industry needs to ensure it can deliver capabilities successfully within the not too distant future.
Joined by Elizabeth Seward, Head of Space Strategy and Future Business at BAE Systems, and Juliana Suess, Research Analyst and Policy Lead for Space Security at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the discussion examined the current capabilities of the UK and look to where we should be focusing our efforts to maximise our strategic advantage.
The twelfth episode of the series discussed the long-term implications of the AUKUS security partnership, across both Pillar I and Pillar II, for the national security and defence industrial base of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. As the partnership grows in scope through multi-lateral agreements on nuclear propulsion, export controls and more, UK industry has a valuable opportunity to grow as a result of AUKUS.
Joined by The Hon. Stephen Smith, Australian High Commissioner to the UK, and Jeff Lewis, Vice President of Defence, ADS Group, the podcast explored what the AUKUS partnership actually is, the impact it has on the three member nations, and what it could mean for the future of UK defence.

These are just three of the series’ 15 episodes exploring some of the most talked-about topics in UK defence today, providing listeners with unrivalled expertise and insights into industry’s perspective in these areas and how they affect the UK. Industry representatives and other important stakeholders discuss how businesses across the defence sector can effectively utilise technology, innovation, skills, and defence strategies to support the UK in advancing its interests, shape the international agenda, and secure strategic advantage.