We are very pleased to share with you that our highly anticipated ADS Toulouse 2024 Annual Event is now confirmed.

ADS Toulouse is the French office for ADS, the Trade Association for aerospace, defence security and space companies in the UK. The office has been established for UK companies wishing to increase their awareness and access to the Aerospace French market.

If you are interested in attending this highly anticipated event and celebrate our 25th Anniversary, please feel free to reach out to ADS Toulouse. The registration link will be available early September. 

We would be honoured to welcome you for this cocktail dinatoire - networking evening reception with entertainment in a relaxed setting. On this occasion we will welcome senior representatives from both the French and UK Aerospace Industry as well as UK dignitaries. This event is a great opportunity for you to meet in an informal environment and to network with key contacts from the Franco-British Aerospace scene.


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Marie Chiesa China

Event Manager

Marie Chiesa China
