On 2 November, EASA published information about applying for ‘third country’ approvals in the event of No Deal Brexit. This would ensure a degree of continuity for companies operating within the EASA regime. ADS would advise all companies that currently have EASA approvals to apply as soon as possible a precautionary measure.

EASA added further details on 22 November regarding the cost of this procedure. As EASA will confirm these approvals under a desk procedure, there will be a special condition for cost, which should be approximately 1,800 euros for companies. The usual costs will not apply.

Although a large number of UK organisations have applied for third country approvals, there is still a large number which this would apply to that have yet to do so. We would advise companies to apply as soon as possible, as it is much less likely that there will be time for EASA to process applications received after New Year before the Brexit date of 29 March.

Please note that companies would need to retain their original EASA certification for UK purposes, as the CAA has stated they will continue to recognise these for a two-year period after Brexit. These would be necessary, for example, for continued operation under any Bilateral Air Service Agreements concluded between the UK and a third country.

Commission ‘No Deal’ preparedness proposals

The Commission has also issued further notices about its intentions in the event of a No Deal scenario. These included proposals for two regulations: to maintain a ‘bare-bones’ air services agreement between the UK and EU; and to ensure the continued validity of UK-manufactured parts and appliances in the EU market before the withdrawal date can still be used after it. Further details are yet to be published. This was discussed in a previous ADS blog.

To find more details

For further information, please do refer to the ADS Brexit Hub, where we have more information and links to statements by governments and regulators. If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Nicholas.altham@adsgroup.org.uk